We're Having a Cow!

Sunday, December 28, 2008 3 comments

No, were not upset about anything, actually quite the contrary. My parents decided to purchase in bulk, and by bulk I mean like three large containers of beef right from the farm. Yesterday my family and I all went to a farm about 20 some minutes away with a lot of freezer paper and markers :). Once we got there we met up with four nice guys who were ready to start chopping meat and a half of cow hanging from the rafters. I think Hudson was a little surprised to see a cow in that position :P . As we decided the types of cuts we want the guys just kept on chopping and handing us the meat so we could wrap it all up and label it for later. 

These guys sure knew everything about food. I can't number the amount of receipes they talked about while they were cutting. The one guy recommended probably about two different ideas for cooking per meat cut and each receipe was full of lots of adjectives of how great it would taste :). 

The three containers we had brought were completely full by the time we were done. As you can imagine a half a cow takes up a lot of space and also is very heavy. 

Well, we all had fun wrapping and I'm Thankful that the Lord gave us the opportunity to do this together. Have a Great Day Everyone!


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Preaching Prep

Friday, December 26, 2008 0 comments

Brother Ronnie sent an email out to some of us preacher boys and asked if any of us would like to volunteer to preach for this upcoming Wednesday's service since it will be the New Year (2009) and it would make it a special night to have a couple of us younger guys practice preaching. I am always thankful for an opportunity to practice preaching and so I told Brother Ronnie I would be glad to. However, I am more nerverous this time than at other times because Pastor has been giving us really good instructions on how to study the Bible diligently and to make sure that we are getting the correct purpose or intent of the passage. Though the task seems daunting I felt that the Lord gave me some great points tonight as I was studying and I am looking forward to digging deeper and putting the message together. It is amazing how it is possible that by diligent studying of the Bible the Lord can open our eyes to see thoughts and lessons which we never saw before. Some of the truths I've seen before just became so much more vivid and amazing as I looked into the passage even more. It is like putting a filter on a camera or using photoshop to enhance the shot. It is the same picture, same point, but the clarity all of sudden amazes.

Well, I'm excited now. I need to go to bed. I will look forward to preaching the message next Wednesday Lord willing and for those of you national and international readers who aren't living in PA, well, I will do my best to get the video uploaded and posted on the blog so you can check it out. =)

Have a Great Day!!!


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Big Project Video Intro

Saturday, December 20, 2008 0 comments

You all probably remember the big video project that I had wrote about previously which drove me crazy :) It was finally finished this past Monday and I thought I would share the video intro with you. I thought turned out pretty cool :D I added the link below so you can check out. I may only have the video online for a short time.

The 3D element isn't very obvious. But if you watch is slowly you will see that the "For Sale" post in the front of the houses, the house(s) and then the sky are all seperated and laid out in a 3D way with a virtual camera to animate them. I thought it created an exciting intro to the video. 

Have a Great Day and soon a Merry Christmas!


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Now Presenting....

Thursday, December 18, 2008 2 comments

Hey Everyone!

    Last night I videotaped and edited a video of the Kings Kids. They sang about four songs and acted out the Christmas story as Mr. Anger read it from the Bible. The kids are so cute :) 
I also made a short track with the kids in class and having fun. I added one of the tracks from my family CD as some background music. Selena helped me with videotaping and then I mixed the two cameras together on my computer. Selena has been my video taping buddy the last couple projects. :)

    Mr. Anger will be sending out the links to these videos tonight to the church email list, so those of you who are my special blog readers get to see the video first. Don't you feel privileged, LOL

Have a Great Night!

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The Scene of the Crime :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008 1 comments

Well Everyone, I actually got some pictures of what the water did to my room. Thank you for your prayers and comments. I will be staying with Titus now for who knows how long. =) Thankully I for the most part completed that pressing project I referred to in the previous blog. I Praise the Lord for that because it had looked a lot worse. I do know that all glory for completing that project in that short period of time belongs to God. Thanks for reading ya'll. Have a Good Night!
My New Roomate :)
This is my bedroom
Thankfully I had just cleaned my room that night and put my shoes on the rack so my church shoes didn't get ruined
There's my weight set and all the rest of outside my room squished into the center
My room is that small black rectangle to the left =( =)

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What to Think?

Friday, December 12, 2008 2 comments

Well guys and gals, this blog isn't as "blessed" as most of the other blog posts. I'm praying though that I will discover the lesson which the Lord is trying to teach me and if you are "on praying ground" I would appreciate your prayers for me as well. I simply don't know how I made it through this week. Honestly, I had so much pressure from an unexpected overload of work more pressure than I ever remember having. I was physically shaking inside from the amount of work that got suddenly put on me and the deadlines that were for these last couple days. Somehow (God be praised) I amazingly finished almost all the work and actually have time to write this blog. 

However on top of this when I woke up to turn off my alarm I came to the startling realization that my room was flooded. I turned the lights on and found three to four inches of water covering the entire basement. Thankfully the two power surge protectors and other wires that were lying all over my floor did not send power through the water. Later when I moved my laptop upstairs and plugged in the power to my external hard drive I found that power connector that goes to my hard drive was fried because it was floating in the water, actually more like sunk in the water. Just so you know... That was very scary, because the large project I had due that was causing me the most stress was all in that hard drive and it was not backed up. I quickly drove over to staples then ran over to Radio Shack the whole time praying and found the power cord I needed. Again, Praise the Lord I was able to complete a whole bunch more of that project AND BACK IT UP =). All I can say is that the verse about not knowing what a day may bring forth is definitely true.  


As for my room tonight I do not know where I'm going to sleep because all of the carpeting needed to be removed from the basement because it was so soggy. I forgot the mention the cause of the flooding, yes, the rain, but the main reason was the guys who did the paving the other day at our house for the new garage got stone into the sump pump pipe and the water pressure became too much for it to handle and it just flipped the breaker and the water poured into the house. There was so much water in the basement. Tom Hammond found a salamander under my weight set. :) Most likely my sister will be posting some pictures so you will have to check out her blog because I'm still not up to date with posting pix on the blog yet :) I will someday, I promise :) 

There are some other issues that aren't resolved yet that are still weighing heavy on me which I can't write just yet. I look forward to writing how the Lord resolves them and then I'll probably tell you all :) 

Have a Good Day!


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Good News! We didn't forget the boys at home again :) Seeing the
Childrens church sing this morning at church reminded me of the
missing munchkins story. Thankfully both boys were singing in the
group and weren't missing. :)


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Simply Suspenseful

Friday, December 5, 2008 0 comments

The last week has actually been a little discouraging, but as I said in last night's blog I am so thankful that Jesus does hear His childrens prayers. Recently I finished some fairly large projects I two of my clients combined owed me $660 . The one client is in another country and after the project was complete he told me he would pay me that upcoming Monday because of a problem with his account. Well, it got discouraging after more than a week later he still hadn't paid and told me he was in the hospital. I was glad he at least responded so at least I knew he wasn't hiding from the payment. But, then about another week to two weeks later still I got nothing from him, no word at all. Then on top of that the other guy wasn't paying me. Then I got this headache, lost my voice, had another client telling me he wanted his huge project done in half the time and I have homework due next week and two other deadlines for projects were looming over my head. Ya, so I kept coming to God and asking Him to please just have these two guys pay so it takes at least these two things off my mind. Well, Finally the guy wrote me this morning out of the blue and said, "I'm going to send you half the payment now". He then told me how rough his life was and that he broke up with his girlfriend. I then thought, ahh I know why the Lord delayed having this guy send me the payment. He was waiting for this occassion that I could tell Him how when I have problems I can take them to the Lord. He told me that his problems have caused him to be depressed. I gave him the link to the What Standard video which he told me he watched and thought was very good. The Lord always has his purpose. I thought it would be the obvious purpose to just get me the money :p . The Lord's timing made that whole waiting period seem like nothing. I could go for a witnessing opportunity like that any day. 

I wish that the Lord was able to just tell me what He has in mind so that I don't have to be in suspense of when the funds would come in, but then it wouldn't be as much of an exciting surprise would it. I just need to make sure that the sin is out of my life so I can be a channel which the Lord can use. Now thats a blessing! 

Once again, Thanks folks for reading, 

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The Whirlwind

Thursday, December 4, 2008 0 comments

Hey everyone, God is been good to me and helped me through this rough day. I'm thankful that I know God loves me and He listens when I talk with Him. There was so much work on todays platter and it would take me forever to explain it all. I just finished a small graphic though that I thought looked kinda cool and I don't think he would mind if I showed it to you since it would be promoting his business :) I'm putting together some lower-thirds for his videos that I edit. If someone has some creative idea with photoshop feel free to use the text below and send me your idea, maybe I'll steal it, lol. Have a Good Night Everyone!


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An Excellent Exhortation

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 0 comments

I just finished a book titled, "Love not the World" by Watchman Nee...
Unfortuantly he did use the wrong version, but neverthless it was a
good book and I learned some good stuff from it. I've included the
last paragraph of the book below which I feel sums the lessons in the
book up quite well.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world." You
have an anointing from the Holy One: live by it! Give yourself to God;
live for him wholly and utterly; see to it that, where you personally
are concerned, the things of this world are scored off Satan's books
and transferred to God's account. For "the world passeth away, and the
lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."

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       I think everyone to one degree or another has the desire to be independent. To feel that you are in control. To think that if you desire something then you can push for it and there is no need to fear anything opposing you.... When you have the option between a course of vegetables and water or else some beautifully laid out meal, would anything stop you from choosing the meal you want. Well, in the case of Daniel, he was given the choice between two contrasting options. His thought process when deeper though than what he wanted though. The thought probably ran through his mind, "wow, a blessing from God! I can't wait to eat". However, he remembered that when he was back in Judah he had purposed in his heart to not live after the world. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He knew that God was everywhere beholding the evil and the good and his choice was important. Every choice a child of God makes is important. If your a Child of God, do not make excuses for why you sin. If you making excuses then obviously you are not fearing the Lord. The fear of the Lord will affect the choices you make. 

      As Daniel talked to the prince of the eunuchs he found out who the eunuch feared. The fear of the Lord was not in his life, but rather the fear of the king. Who you fear will affect your choices.
Don't misunderstand and think that it is going to always be the hard choice, the option that you didn't want. God isn't into making us have a miserable life. But, we do have a sinful flesh and that is going to try to persuade your decisions into sin. Today our choice really isn't over food like Daniel's was, though it can be if your prone to glutteny. Our choices have to do with the Word of God. In the choice that you are about to make, does it please God or your flesh? Who have you purposed in your heart to serve? Who do you reverance, God or man (which includes yourself). 

    Some men will say they have no fear, but if you show them the consequences for the decisions they make then they will fear. If a man makes the "no fear of God" choice to never repent of his sins, when he stands before God (as we all will). Fear will overwhelm his heart as he had never known. It will not be the fear of hell, but the fear of God. When you see God every knee will bow, there will be not a person who will not fear Him on that great and dreadful day.  

    Make every choice a wise choice today, purpose in your heart to fear the Lord. When you encounter that decision that has sin tainted on it. Fear the Lord. Choose whom you will server today. If you don't fear God, your decisions will prove it

I've just started going through the book of Daniel for my devotions and it has been a good challenge. Thanks for reading my thoughts for today...

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