Botswana and Birthdays

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 1 comments

I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but I am :) I am actually going to Botswana.... and I'm not the only one going. Titus will also be going with me. The decision for Titus to go was only made this past Sunday and wow, I needed to get going then on planning plane tickets and organizing some projects Titus has been helping me on. I just bought the tickets today so now it's official.

On top of this I am also working on a couple iPhone projects as an investment since my other iPhone app is going very well. I am trying to wrap those applications up and have them live before I leave. It's been quite busy needless to say. I just praise the Lord that he is helping me keep my head above water and enjoy the ride :)

Also, I am moving right along with my book about Adoniram Judson and I gotta say it's really keeping my attention and I'm learning a lot about him.

Also, my Thai friend Berm has a Birthday today and so I just wanted to shout out or blog out a special Happy Birthday to him :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERM!!! =)


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Energyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =)

Sunday, September 27, 2009 0 comments

As I've said in previous blog posts, I have recently begun to preach for Children's Church. As you all know I really enjoy working with kids and this has been a great opportunity for me to begin preaching practice. Well, Today the energy level had to be recorded at an all time high for my teaching experience. Seriously, I am so exhausted. One kid was bouncing up and down before class and I asked him what he was doing and he said, "Wellll, Today I don't have a soccer game because it's raining so I'm getting all my energy out now!" The way most of the boys were going I would have guess the same was true about all of them :)

On top of that the songs and special music went longer than planned and then my Pastor who usually goes overtime went shorter, so I had to quickly finish the story, lay out my points, sing a choir song and run them out the door. lol :)
It would take too much writing to describe the antics the kids had, but thankfully every children's church was not like this morning. I think I'll try starting the message earlier. At least most all the kids are very good with taking notes during the message. I think that will really help them grow in their christian life as they move into the adult services and take notes there also.

Though there are the crazy times like today with the kids, I think the kids have a fabulous future being raised in a church like this. Or rather to explain myself , they will have a fabulous future in heaven because the way things are looking I don't know how fabulous this life will be on earth for christians :) I'll be praying that the parents are teaching these Bible lessons at home because much much much depends on what is taught in the home by the parents. Parents have the awesome responsibility to build upon what is taught in the preaching or they can easily tear down the preacher and the teachings. It's a big responsibility because their children's future depends on it.

Have a Great Day!!!

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How to Wash Your Earbuds!

Friday, September 25, 2009 1 comments

I advise you to use caution when proceeding with this cleaning procedure. Side effects could result in ripped or mangled earbuds or soggy speakers. Possibility of survival: Slim.

Well, my normal procedure when putting my clothes from my hamper into the clothes piles is to feel the pockets on all my clothes. I have had many "near death" experiences for certain items. I recall one particular experience which began this tradition and that was when my $50 bluetooth headset went through the wash cycle and was found DOA in my room. Yes, sad memories. BUT a good one because it has started this ritual which was been very successful until yesterday....

The one factor which is hard to keep an eye on is when someone else generously offers their assistance in taking your clothes up for you without your notice. Well, I think it didn't take much thought on your behalf to understand that is exactly what happened. I got these cool earbuds which came with my new iPhone 3Gs and if I bought them separately the retail price is $30. Yes, $30! I personally think that is quite a bit to pay for headphones, but I gotta say I really like these ones. Yes, so as I was saying, these headphones were neatly tucked in my pocket and went for a spin in the washer, then the dryer and I just picked them up a few minutes ago from my stairs with my clothes (nicely washed)

ANNNNDDD The Verdict is: CLEAN. Yes, my bloggy friends thought they were knotted into a ball of wire and are as curly as a girls hair after it's been curled they still work. (Hmm, maybe I should try a straightener, LOL)

Just for kicks I thought I would take a picture of these curly cue headphones. I really do praise the Lord that they work, because I was really bummed when I realized what had probably happened and ran upstairs and started digging in the clothes only to realize that those pants were presently in the washer... :)

Have a Great Day Ya'll!

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Start Laughing

Thursday, September 24, 2009 1 comments

If This Doesn't get you laughing this morning then I don't know what will =)

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Here is a funny video my sister recorded when Hudson was in the shower. He likes to play tapes while he is in the shower, and recently he's been singing. It is quite cute :)


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Evaluating the Culture Part 2

Monday, September 21, 2009 0 comments

Here is Part 2 of Evaluating the Culture

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New Blog Look

Sunday, September 20, 2009 2 comments

I know most of ya'll use blog readers so you wouldn't notice the change on the blog. It's not like it will revolutionize your look on creativity or something, but hey I thought I would point out the obvious.

Thanks for following my blog =)

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I will be putting part three of the getting to the marriage altar message. I just have been a little busy recently and haven't got a copy of the message yet :) Maybe I will post it tomorrow.

Last year Bro. Ronnie (our Assistant Pastor) started the church on a memorization program which really took off. This year my partner has been Mr. Forro. I've got to say he has been really encouraging with his faithfulness in keeping me accountable and also staying on track and ahead of the verses himself. Tonight he just quoted to me the next verse which is due in two weeks :) and after he quoted it to me we both got into a great discussion about how the word of God is so powerful and important in our life. We started talking about the message and how the Word has been used in our own life. I haven't really got to know Mr. Forro very much until this time and I've got to say since he has been saved (which wasn't that long ago) he has been a new man. Praise the Lord for how he works in us sinners.

That is my blessing for today. I hope that you all find an accountability partner (if you haven't already) and encourage him or her today in the Word, memorize the Word together, and exhort one another to be prepared for the Lord's return.

Praising the Lord,

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Giving All

Saturday, September 19, 2009 1 comments

As I said before I am reading the book called, "To the Golden Shore". It is about the life of Adoniram Judson. In this chapter Adoniram has about a week or so left before he gets on the long boat to Calcutta India and then to Burma. Adoniram got married during this week (Feb 5, 1812) The preacher, Pastor Allen, married them and the words he concluded the wedding with were to the parents and couple. "My dear children, you are now engaged in the best of causes. It is that cause for which Jesus the Son of God came into the world and suffered and died. You literally forsake father and mother, brothers and sisters, for the sake of Christ and the promotion of His Kingdom." With his voice breaking he said, "To the care of the great Head of the church I now commit them. To His grave I also resign you all. May He gather you together in one. And may you all return and come to Zion with a song, and with shouts of everlasting glory."

This was the end of the service except for the hymn before the benediction, which Parson Allen had composed especially for the occasion. People wept unashamedly as they sang:

Go, ye heralds of salvation;
Go, and preach in heathen lands;
Publish loud to every nation,
What the Lord of life commands.
Go, ye sisters, their companions,
Soothe their cares, and wipe their tears,
Angels shall in bright battalions
Guard your steps and guard your fears.

Landed safe in distant regions,
Tell the Burmans Jesus died;
Tell them Satan and his legions,
Bow to him they crucified.
Far beyond the mighty Ganges,
When vast floods beyond us roll,
Think how widely Jesus ranges
Nations wide from pole to pole.

While form heathen nations blended
Light and peace within shall rise;
When your days on earth are ended,
Christ receive you to the skies.
To his grace we now resign you,
To him only you belong;
You with every christian Hindoo,
Join at last the angelic throng.

Not your normal wedding songs and preaching is it. These four missionary couples had full expectation that the amount of people they would win for Christ would be few and the cost would be their life, but they were more than willing to give all to demonstrate their love for Christ. Right before the wedding Adoniram said goodbye to his eighteen year old brothers and he would only see him one more time later in his life.


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Interesting Drink

Thursday, September 17, 2009 0 comments

I've been blessed to have some great people to work for this past year and one company I work for goes to different conventions and interview people about natural foods and the benefits and then other questions related to the food industry. I do have to say quite a few of their videos are interesting to watch. This video I did today I thought was rather cool. Some of you may have heard of Stevia because it is a good replacement for sugar because it is actually good for you. The only thing is that it could give a bad after taste if not used correctly. This drink uses stevia to replace sugar and and they get it all within the cap.....

Check out the video (no comment on the haircut :)

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Emmaus Heritage Day

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1 comments

During the Emmaus Heritage Day my family got to play some music and it attracted some people over. Some people wanted to know the church we were from so we pointed them to the next tent beside us, lol. It was great, Here are two videos I took on my iPhone.


Video #2

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The book "To the Golden Shore" is great. I love to read about the ambition that Judson had to reach those that were lost. It is so great to see how God worked on his life and in the lives of his friends who also wanted to go to the Orient. In the chapters I read this morning I read about Adoniram's call and when the Lord laid it on his heart. He came back to his parents and he didn't want to share his calling just yet because he knew that it would be hard for them to take. He didn't realize how hard it would be until they revealed their secret to him a couple days after his return. His parents were so excited to tell him that he was asked to be the assistant Pastor of one of the largest churches and his mother added that he would also be close to home. The book said that his Dad had hopes that Adoniram would be the pastor of the Largest church and be like other great preachers of that time. The pressure on Adoniram was so heavy as he shared with them his secret how he felt that the Lord had called him not to be a preacher of a large church, but a missionary, and not just a missionary to a nearby area, but across the world (to Burma) where no missionaries he knew of had gone.

Though his mother, sister and father were greatly disappointed in this new revelation he knew God had led him to that decision and he set his course. As I continued to read God continued to open the doors...

The book is really exciting to me =)


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I mentioned my Pastor's blog in this video. This is the Link to his blog.
Have a Great Day!

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I'm glad to hear that this message has been a blessing to quite a few of you. Here is the most recent message which my Pastor preached this past Sunday Night. It was a powerful message and the picture of Christ's bride was so awesome! It'll send ya chills :D hehe

Thank you for your interest!

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Audio Issues

Saturday, September 5, 2009 0 comments

I hear that there were some difficulties with playing the audio from my previous post so here are two options. 1. You can play it with the embedded flash player below or you can right click on the link above the audio and "save as" to your computer.

Thank you for your interest!

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Preparing for a Mate

Friday, September 4, 2009 0 comments

My Pastor just preached this past Sunday Night on "The Surest Way to Destroy Your Future Marriage". Though the sermon was quite longer than most the interest was very high. In fact after the message was over, more than 30 people signed up for a copy or more than one copy of the message. I don't think I have to go into any detail at all to explain that marrying the right person is important, so this message was very much a challenge to me, because I want to follow God's will for my life because He knows best. For so many of the choices in life I remind myself of the classic example of Samuel going to choose a King and he thought surely he was looking at the Lord's chosen one, but it wasn't. David's Father and the man of God in their own minds thought that Eliab would be the one. However, God reminded them that men look on the outside and make their decisions that way, but GOD looks right through that all and sees the heart.

I neeeeeed to make sure that I am seeking God's leading because many times God's way isn't mans. So if ya'll think of me from time to time, please keep me in your prayers regarding this particular area of seeking God's wisdom and not my own. Thanks!

Okay, I know there are a handful of you that don't go to my church so I wanted to make this message available to ya'll also. Here is the link:

If the link doesn't work for some reason please comment or send me an email and I'll fix it up and get a new one out there.

Here is another message which I just listened to recently. It's by Bro. S.M. Davis on the same topic.

Thank you for following my blog everyone!

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Very Good Food

Thursday, September 3, 2009 0 comments

Has anyone out there at this stuff? I really really like it. It's
called Supremely Spicy Hummus. After eating Thai food I wouldn't
really call it supremely spicy, but it does have some spice to it. It
tastes great with Blue Chips or these veggie crisps I'm having with it
right now. Definitely try it out :D Have a Great Day!


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My First Video/Blog Post =)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 0 comments

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