Writing the Bible

Thursday, January 28, 2010 1 comments

Hey ya'll!

I hope that you've been having some exciting days recently. I've been having a great time working hard and learning lots. One thing which has came to my mind which I haven't shared with ya'll before is the benefits of writing scripture. This is something which I learned while I was in Africa and though it is a simple idea it's something I've overlooked until that trip. Previously I've written out verses here and there for memory work because that is how I memorize things best, but writing out larger portions of the Bible really makes the passage come to life.
I've been doing two Bible studies recently and in the one study with my friend I've been writing out the book of 1 Corinthians and boy is there a lot of things to learn from that book. I think we could spend a couple months in just a chapter, but we keep moving on so we can complete writing out the whole book. It's been really exciting to note certain verses which have been a challenge to me and I'd highly recommend this idea of writing scripture to everyone out there because the Bible is applicable to every person in the world and it gives us the answers to everything in life and I am not exaggerating that phrase. It definitely does.
Well, that is my blessing for the time to share with you all. God has continued to be good to me and blessed me far far beyond what I deserver and for that I am living my days with excitement and with hope that He will be pleased with my life as I seek to follow him.

As my friend JonW would say, "I'm Rejoicing in the Lord",

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Why do you Glory?

Sunday, January 24, 2010 0 comments

One of the top phrase that gets me upset is the phrase which some
Christians use to excuse their sin and that is they are under grace. I
am a strong proponent of the verse. How shall we sin that grace should
abound? This subject was brought up to me as I read in 1 Corinthians 5
recently, thankfully I haven't heard this excuse for sin from a
Christian for a very long long time, but this reminder to not make
excuses for sin still remains. Now the reason for the topic of this
blog post is in verse six and it says that this glorying this church
had in that they could sin and be forgiven was "Not Good" . Now as I
studied into these verses with my friend we pulled out some good
questions and that started off with this thought, how ineffective is a
church that preaches forgiveness of sin yet lives like the world to
attract the world. I say absolutely ineffective. Yet how does a church
like this one become so much in sin and become ineffective? It was
through the passivness of allowing one sin to slip through the cracks.
This thought is heavy because it is easy to be like, "awe come on,
this isn't to bad and beside God has forgiven me" and soon we are sin
again and again and sear our conscious which God has put in us till
wrong looks right and right looks wrong. It's a horrible position.
Take the advice from the Bible, purge that leaven (which is a picture
of sin). To purge means to take something bad out and replace with
something good.
There is no reason to glory while living in sin, but O can we
can rejoice when the Lord when we are living in victory over sin and
we see the pleasure of God upon our life. That is glory.
Now this church received a command which we should heed. In verse
nine it says, " I wrote to you in an epistle, not to company with
fornicators" the list of sinful people goes on. Bottom line, do not
hang around with those that are enjoying sin. The worlds wisdom even
agrees with this point, you've heard the phrases that who you hang out
with you will become like. When you have friends that enjoy ungodly
movies, people that share unholy music or speak lightly of God. For
example, have you ever watched a video that caused you to cring
because of something not right in it , but you shook it off and then a
later video which was also not good, didn't cause you to feel as
guilty... That's a little leaven which will destroy your discernment
of sin
Stay away from those people or programs. They are leaven in your
life which will only breed more sin and cause you start thinking of
good as evil and evil as good. Remember Adam and Eve? Eve hung out
with the serpent and all of a sudden the fruit looked good for her and
Gods protection on her life looked like a barbed wire fence keeping
her from the pleasures she wanted to enjoy.

Guard your eyes
Guard your thoughts
Guard every area of your life, for if you allow sin to creep in soon
your life will be destroyed. Trust the Word of God, and don't make
excuses for your flesh.

Dont glory in sin but, Reject sin and Repent of sin


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Follow up on Previous Video

Friday, January 15, 2010 0 comments

Okay, I found out that some people don't know who Richard Dawkins was so the previously posted video didn't make any sense at all... Watch this video and you'll find out why I thought the previous video was pretty funny. Nothing certainly doesn't come from nothing and the Bible is the only logical source at all that explains our existence on this earth and the purpose we have.

You can check out more of Living Waters interesting videos on their YouTube channel by clicking on this link


Praise the Lord for a living God that not only created us, but also loves us. Have a Great Day!


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This is very funny. It's very True =)

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Camp & Christmas

Saturday, January 2, 2010 0 comments

The days have been busy, the nights long, but I am still 'rejoicing in the Lord' as Jon Wilhite would say (and his family :).

This past Christmas I had the blessing of going to visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, along with other relatives. It was such a blessing to relax for a few days and enjoy the time talking with everyone. My aunt asked me to preach also, so I got together a message for that night and preached after we had a totally awesome meal of shrimp, fish, and spaghetti, along with an assortment of other deserts which included my grandfathers Italian Pitzels :D. The shrimp all the ladies make has to be the best in the world, at least my taste buds think so. Seriously now, the stuff they pour on those shrimp with all the spices etc. make them taste totally awesome. I've never tasted a meal so good as the one we have had every Christmas Eve. I especially like that they make so much of it.

So off to camp part of the blog now. After getting back from my relatives on Saturday I left on Sunday night to go on a three day camp in New York. The name of the camp is 'Snow Camp' and you guessed it, we had snow all over the place which made it very beautiful to see. The camp started off that night with one of the guys snoring so loud I just had to wake the pour guy up because nobody was getting any sleep and it was after 11. Since we were leaving at 2:00 in the morning we needed all the sleep we could get. Well, during that short period of time I found out that they turn down the heat in church at night to save on electricity, I figured they would've kept it warmer since we were there. So, I began to put all my extra clothes on me and covered myself with my jacket. I laid in bed and froze there hoping that 2:00 would come quickly. Finally it came
Camp was excellent. The opportunities I had as a counsellor to speak to some of the guys with the issues they were facing made it so exciting. The icing on the cake (so to say, not that I'm a fan of icing) was when I got to lead Brennan to the Lord. I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to practice in Botswana, when over there It helped me narrow down how to explain salvation in fewer words instead of going through the entire four week Bible Study my church offers.
And now, It's the NEW YEAR! So I've been busy organizing myself and the projects I do. So far I've been pretty excited. My mother got me some new books on being a leader and how to do twice as much in half the time :) It's been a good book so far and just for the record, I am nearing completion on my Adoniram Judson book. Yes, I agree it has taken me awhile to finish it :)
I may put out a blog post sometime with some of the goals I am looking to accomplish this year, I'll see :P

Have a Wonderful Day Serving the Lord Everyone!

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