Blowing Blessings

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 0 comments

Achoo Achoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes my friends, it is that time of year again where all of a sudden normal looking people turn into red weeping snot covered gloomy faced victims of the allergy season and unfortunately I am no exception. My little brother Hudson has inherited this wonderful trait and is currently trying to find his way to his room through puffy eyes. I can actually hardly see the screen myself, so I'm not exactly sure why I chose this time at of all times to write on my blog. hmmm, I don't know.

Anyway, I just got back from church visitation and enjoyed walking with my brother and sisters from house to house breathing in the warm pollenated air. :) Actually my allergies really didn't kick in till I started driving back home.... ya, I think I scared my sisters on a couple sneezes :)

I named this blog blowing blessings for a reason, and that is because this is my blessing blog I want to look on the bright side of life, not the puffy side :) Even though the air is saturated in pollen the sky and landscape has been so full with beauty. The flowers I've seen in peoples yards look so nice and I've noticed quite a few very well kept lawns. Also, there was the most absolute beautiful sunset I have seen in a long, I've been quite awed by the beautiful settings God has created for me and others to enjoy. Also, one more thing has been the warm weather. I am sooooooooo thankful for the warm weather, I'm a big fan of it, hehe :)

To all my allergy infected friends out there, KEEP SMILING :)

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Our Little Bonus Boy

Thursday, April 16, 2009 1 comments

Today was the birthday of my little brother Hudson. We've given him a nickname which he really loves us calling him. We call him our little bonus boy because he came into our family at the tail end. I can still remember the day when I saw my after he got back early in the morning and I was able to get everyone together and my dad told us it was a boy and his name was definitely going to be Hudson. All of us kids wanted his name to be Hudson because we all thought it sounded so cool and also the fact that Hudson Taylor was a missionary to China made it a great name.

Another part about Hudson's arrival was that day when we went into school, I can still remember Mrs. Rossi asking me to announce who was born, It was exciting :) Hudson has so changed our lives and life would definitely not be the same without him. I've got a couple pictures I took today.
As a little tidbit, I think my brother is going to be an accountant kid like my dad. He is doing so very very good with numbers and he is always calculating things out and telling us how much we will save or how long something took. We all get a good laugh out of him. Today when my mother Hudson and I went into Weis to get him a cake for today my mother had her mind toward getting and icecream cake, but Hudson saw a sign that caught his attention. FREE SODA... Now that is enough to catch any little boys attention. It was a double wammy for her Hudson because it was not only soda, but free soday. He convinced my mom that though you had to buy the small cake to get the free icecream it would still be cheaper to buy two cakes and get two free liter sodas than buying one icecream cake. Since it was his birthday my mom let him make the choice. I can't describe how excited he was to have his birthday dinner. The girls had made a really special little supper which you will see in the pictures. He was giving everybody hugs tonight :) Little kids are soo cool :)

Have a Great Night Everyone!

Hudson talking with Pastor :)

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Can You Believe It!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 0 comments

Yes, you can believe your eyes. Two posts with pictures in ONE day! I
forgot to mention another blessing which came all the way from South
Carolina! The Reeders! The famiy stayed up here for a few days and Tim
had came here two weeks earlier. We had a great time. I have some
pictures of cute little Gracelyn I thought I'd post. She's grown up
and likes to talk :) Im not sure if the talking is really the new
thing, but it's a little more understandable now :)


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Here are some pictures I took on my iPhone last week. The guy
interviewing us is Nate. He was the cordinator of the events that go
on. Have a Great Day Everyone!


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Whats Up!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 2 comments

Hello Everyone,

It has been awhile since I have taken the time to write a post. A lot has been going on and I'll try to share with you some of the recent highlights of the blessings in my life :)

1. Almost a Complete House

After seven months of work on the house, we are finally getting settled back into "normal" life. The house is really beautiful, I'm really thankful that the Lord has given my parents the finances to do this project. In addition to that, you may remember when I told you about my room getting flooded and such. Well, it just came to my mind that there was a part to that story that I left out because, well, it was kind of depressing, but not it is a really cool blessing. =)
Just to jog your memory, back in December the pavement guys were working on our driveway and extending it a little further to attach to the new garage. Well, in the process they ended up clogging the pipe which came to the side of the driveway. The pipe was the one which connected to the sump pump in the basement, and as you probably guessed, that night rained poured so hard that night and the pump was unable to continue to pump the water out and stopped working.
That week as I had told you about I was working on an extremely strenuous project because the client I was working for cut the time frame they gave me in less than half and told me I needed the project done in a week. Just to give you a glimpse of the size of the project. It was ten 1 Hour DVD's that needed to be produced. Also, the guy who I subbed a portion of the work out was having a hard time keeping up with the new deadline and then called me to tell me I needed to pay him an additional $250 for the rush delivery. Understanding that you can probably imagine the feeling on Friday morning (Project due on Monday) when I got up and found my brand new apple laptop I had for five days submerged in water and found out my external hard drive for the project I was working on wouldn't open on my old laptop. Yes...

okay, so now you are up to speed. I found out a month later that the insurance would definitely take care of 100% of the Laptop!!! . That was such a blessing because, as you know, Apple laptops ain't cheap. :) So here I am three months later typing on my new laptop and finally back in my room with new carpeting. All the carpeting had to be replaced because there was so much water. Though it was nice being with my brother in his room, sleeping on an air mattress in a tiny room gets old quick. So I am quite elated being in such a nice room. That's blessing #1

#2 My Prayer List App

I was able to release a new version of my iPhone application, "My Prayer List". Though it's obviously not a hot seller like the other games out there. It seems to have been a blessing to a number of people. I've got some very kind comments from people.

#3 My Family

It has been so nice to sing and play songs with my family. We just got back from a campground and played a whole slew of songs for two senior citizens outings. The one was right in Macungie, PA and the other was in Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. The first group was about 200 or so and other group was about 300 more or less. There is actually another one coming up this Thursday, and I'm not sure where that one is located :) My mother does the scheduling for these events. It is a great team effort on all of us to put together these "performances". My little brother Hudson is joining the group now and boy does he sing out nice and loud. I love it. I can't imagine what life would be like without my little munchkin. He has changed my families life so much.
I hear that some families have a hard time getting along with each other and really dislike each other. Thankfully I can say that though we do sometimes have differences :) We have all really got over it and drawn closer to each other. I can honestly say that I love ALL of my family. =D

Okay, there are a whole lot of blessings in life, but I'm going to leave it off here. I'm going to do my best to keep more up to date, because writing this blog is a blessing to me. Have a Great Day Everyone!


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"Banana Man"

Thursday, April 9, 2009 0 comments

Hello Everyone,

I am planning on continuing this blog :) :) :) Seriously, I do enjoy putting an occasional update on here, but it's been so busy. I came across a video which I thought I would share with the rest of you.

Have a Great Night and I'll be sure to post an update of my life :)

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