I Gotta Say Something

Sunday, November 29, 2009


It's been quite a while since I've posted something on this old blog site. ;) I'm still psyched from the Botswana Trip and I've been making some changes in my life based on what I've learned.
One of the amazing experiences I had on this trip was learning from Pastor on his exposition of scripture. Man, Pastor comes up with so so many good questions. I really want to learn to develop questions as he has learned to do. I'm starting a book here which is about learning the art of asking questions. Pastor taught us that the way to keep our attention on something is to ask questions. Questions are what keep the mind engaged to want to know more. Oh, and the book which I told ya'll I was reading about Adoniram Judson is just about finished. I got a lot of it read in Africa and I have really really enjoyed reading it.
As far as my return trip to America goes. I've been enjoying the friendly cheerful hellos of all my church family asking me about the trip and what I learned. It was a blessing to hear from those who had been following my email posts and were praying for the people I was working with daily. On the work side of things, Thankfully I still have my job :) Christ did a great job for me and I received a boatload of work upon my arrival :) which is a good thing and a bad thing... A good thing that the pay is very good, and a bad thing as in every project I was told to rush and get it done asap, so it took me a bite of time out of my day and I already had less time because I've been taking care of some of Chris and John's church projects since Chris is on vacation and John is Botswana. Fun stuff :)

I'm just going to leave this post as a short one for now, but I just wanted to post ya'll with an update since I've been silent for so long. Have a Great Day!!!

Rejoicing in the Lord!