Bible Class Play

Saturday, February 6, 2010

When John Nadaskay was in Botswana I was able to fill in for teaching his Bible Class for that month and I had a great time doing it. During one of the classes I decided to write a script and have the kids act it out. I wrote it on the story of Moses since that is what we were studying and though the kids got a little glued on their paper because of the camera I think they did a good job. The ad-libbing is hilarious, "Mr. Hall, can I add more to my part because I only have two lines". The little kids just crack me up. Their such a blessing.


  1. Becky Says:
  2. Haha...I loved it!! They are such little actors ;-) The burning bush especially cracked me up :D

  3. Jackie Says:
  4. That was great!!! I loved it! My favorite was probably Jacob playing the LORD :o)